Getting Started
Introduction to JucyAi
Hello and welcome to JucyAi! 👋
Firstly, thank you for choosing us to help you communicate and engage more effectively with your customers.
At JucyAi, we believe in blending human touch with artificial intelligence to deliver exceptional customer experiences. So, without further ado, let's get you started with your journey at JucyAi.
What is JucyAi
At its core, JucyAi is a platform designed to help businesses like yours be available for your customers round the clock without manual intervention. We do this using AI-powered agents.
An agent here refers to the AI operative that you create within the platform. Think of it as your virtual employee or business representative.
Creating an agent is incredibly easy and straightforward. Simply head over to the
My Agents tab on the JucyAi dashboard.
You will find the Create button at the top of the page.
And bam! You have your very own AI agent.
But, your AI agent wouldn't know much about your business, would they? Enter: Knowledge Hub.
Knowledge Hub
The Knowledge Hub is a platform within JucyAi where you can teach your agent about your business. The Agent uses this information to answer questions and engage with your customers. How cool is that? 😎
You can feed the Knowledge Hub with various data sources like your website, knowledge base, PDFs, etc.
We recommend that you explore the knowledge hub. in more detail to understand its full potential.
Chatbot Widget
The next step is creating a chatbot widget, your agent's physical form within your website. Remember, the chatbot is what your customers interact with. So, take your time to make it look and feel great.
To create your chatbot widget, you can go to the Chatbot Manager tab on our website.
And guess what? Creating your chatbot widget is even more straightforward than creating an agent.
Click on the Create button, assign your agent to the chatbot widget, customize it as per your liking, and you are good to go!
We hope this makes your journey with JucyAi smooth and exciting. Here's to a beautiful customer journey powered by JucyAi.